Worship through Genesis and Revelation

Monique Love
15 Students enrolled
  • Description
  • Curriculum
  • Grade

In this course, students will learn the biblical view of covenant as it relates to the biblical view of worship. Through careful and comparative study, we will gain understanding of the role of covenant as expressed in the books of Genesis and Revelation to gain insight into how it is woven into the act of worship. We will explore the interconnectedness of those books and the various acts of worship they contain. By the end of this course, students will be able to think critically to answer the following questions:

• What is the relationship, if any, between covenant and worship?
• What does the idea of covenant communicate about God’s heart toward humanity as a
• How does Genesis and Revelation work in tandem to reflect God’s covenant with His
people as it relates to worship as our innate purpose?
• How does the idea of covenant with God influence my thinking about worship, both in
the context of personal devotion and fellowship with other believers?

Saturday 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm (EST) 9:00 am – 11:00 pm (PST)

Name: Minister Monique Love
Email: Mlove.twacademy@gmail.com
Office Hours: By appointment

Holy Bible (KJV, NKJV, HCSB, NIV preferred)
Computer with internet access, pencil and paper.

1. Be present and arrive on time to every class. If you cannot attend class or will be
late, please inform me via email before class time.
2. Complete homework assignments on time.
All assigned readings should be done PRIOR to class
3. Be respectful of others.
4. Class participation is important to the success of this class so come
prepared to engage!
5. All essays should be typed and double-spaced; font size should be 11 pt. Please use
complete sentences and spell-check before submitting. All essays should be a
minimum of one page and no more than two pages.

Grade details
Enrollment date:
Course completion date:
Grade Points
Grade Range
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