“The Life of an Intercessor: Guarding the Gates” - Instructor: Pastor Jane Robinson Searchwell Friday: 9:00pm est - 10:30pm est

26 Students enrolled
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According to the Old Testament, a gatekeeper was a Levite. Gatekeepers were also watchmen on the walls. They were ministering priests from the tribe of Levi. Gatekeepers were trusted officials and high priests in the servant role of protecting the Lord’s house. They were stationed at all 4 gates (N, S, E, W). They also appointed and taught others around them to guard the gate as well. Their hearts were fully committed to the Lords will. Today’s gatekeepers hope and pray for revival and eagerly await the Lord’s return. They are always prepared and continually remind others to be ready. Gatekeepers made sure that nothing unholy entered into God’s house and nothing was allowed to leave unless it had approval. They were in charge of the Temple items and treasuries of the House of the Lord. There are many levels of being gatekeepers, but in one dimension we are all called to be gatekeepers of our own soul and mind as well as gatekeepers of His presence. In the book of Nehemiah, part of building the walls was the gates being put in place. So symbolically it is also true with building the walls around our own soul. Isa. 60:18 – … but you will call your walls salvation and your gates praise. The Hebrew word for ‘Gates’ is to: think, render a decision. Prov. 23:7 – As you think, so you are. Your quality of life is governed by what goes on in your mind. To be in a place of seating in the city gates of your own soul, then one must control his thoughts taking every thought captive to Christ Jesus (II Cor. 10:3-5).  In the next 8 weeks we will study; the Duties, Responsibilities and Characteristics of the Intercessor, Gatekeeper, and the Watchman. Taking a closer look at how all are different but necessary in fulfilling the will of the Father In the earth.

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