The Life Of An Intercessor 4 - Pastor. Jane Robinson-Searchwell Fridays, 9:00pm -1030pm EST / 6:00pm – 7:30pm PST

19 Students enrolled
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Knowing that the day of the Lord is fast approaching and knowing that our citizenship is reserved for us in heaven by grace through faith in the saving work of Jesus Christ on the Cross, Paul outlines what sort of life a believer should live. Close to the top of his list of godly instructions on how to live a fruitful Christian life is: “Pray without ceasing; pray continuously, pray and keep on praying.” Prayer is fellowship with the Father and was a vital part of Paul’s own Christian walk. Paul is exhorting all believers who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus to pray constantly, and this call to pray follows his instruction to rejoice always, for the heart that rejoices in the Lord is the one that will keep their eyes fixed on Jesus, and their thoughts trained upon their Savior. The man or woman who turns often to prayer and maintains a worshipful attitude of prayer towards the Lord, is one who comes boldly to the throne of grace to offer up prayer and praise, supplication and intercessions, petitions and thanksgiving. Prayer demonstrates a humble dependence upon God, for prayer is the breath of the dependent soul that touches the heart of the Father.

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