The Book of Philippians
Instructor: Miikella Henry
Office Hours: by appointment only
Contact Information:
Class Location and Time: Wednesday 7:30pm CST/8:30pm EST on Zoom
In an era marked by frustration, could you use more contentment? In a world filled with anxieties, worries, and fears, could you stand to have a bit more joy? This course is designed to teach students how to have joy and contentment in life. The book of Philippians was written while The apostle Paul was stuck in a Roman prison when he wrote to this young church. His letter could have focused on his own troubles. Instead, he wrote about living a life full of joy, peace, and contentment. Paul’s confidence reminds us of God’s wisdom and control in the difficult moments of life. His excitement challenges us to walk in joy and contentment.
Holy Bible
Laptop with internet access
Bible Dictionary (Hard copy or App)
If there is homework, it will be assigned at the end of class, and the due date for each assignment will be before the next class session.
There may be at least one quiz per week. Quizzes may or may not be announced in advance, may be given in class, or may be given as assignments.
Final Exam…………….25%
Session Topic Verses
Week 1 History
Week 2 Opening Prayer 1:1-11
Week 3 Paul’s Imprisonment 1:12-26
Week 4 Following Jesus’ Example 1:27-2:18
Week 5 Timothy and Epaphroditus 2:19-30
Week 6 Paul’s Example 3:1-4:1
Week 7 Challenge to Live the Example 4:2-9
Week 8 Closing Thanks 4:10-23
In this lesson, we will go over the background and history of the book of Philippians. The PowerPoint will be uploaded after class.
This week's Scripture reading is on the long side. These verses are a series of imperative statements that Paul gave to the Christians in Philippi and in essence we can say he gives to us today.
Earlier in chapter 2, Paul presented Jesus as an example of humility and sacrifice. Verses 19-30 read like a travelogue. It feels different. But if we look deeper, we’ll see the connection: two men who exemplify the Christ-like qualities he spoke of earlier. The Lord is our model; and Timothy and Epaphroditus are model Christians.
Concluding this letter to his beloved Philippian congregation, Paul expressed his deeply felt gratitude to them. He had enjoyed a special relationship with them since the founding of the church at Philippi. At one point in Pauls ministry, they were the only church that had supported him financially. Now they had again sent him a gift, and this passage is Paul's thank-you note to them. Beneath the surface of Paul's expression of thanks to the Philippians is the picture of a man utterly content in spite of such severe circumstances. Paul knew how to rejoice in every circumstance and be free from anxiety and worry, because his heart was guarded by the peace of God and the God of peace. His example is especially relevant to our utterly discontented culture.
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