Prophetic Awareness: Instructors: Prophetess Sharon Bryant / Prophetess - Shelesha Collington- Friday: 7:00 pm est/ 4:00 pm pst

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This semester as we go into the prophetic awareness it will begin to show us as individuals how we can be very aware of God’s presence and when God speak and hear him and not think that it is ourselves that is speaking as we look at several of the individuals we will cover throughout the semester we will see that they realize they weren’t talking or hearing from their own mind but they were hearing from God it wasn’t for awareness . As we look at Moses encounter with God we will see that he had a prophetic encounter rather  a prophetic awareness with God. Where he finally understood that God was the “I am that I am”.  As we read through Exodus and look at the life of Moses we will begin to see when God began to speak to him in order for him to become what God wanted him to become a leader.  Who strong and courageous one. As we look at Samuel we would see where God called him from a child and his a prophetic awareness started.  Then refer to when Moses was called as an adult . when we look at Ezekiel we would see where he also had his prophetic awareness with God. As we look at  the life of Joseph when he had his prophetic encounter through dreams.  When we look at Paul as he went to  persecuting the church we realized that even in the midst of our craziness that God would give us an awareness.  Prophetically as dealing with  Abraham, even though he thought that he was old and no one wanted to pay him mind. We will see the Prophetically   with God that he was able to still be the father of many nations . When we look at Isaiah we see a man strong and strapped ready to do what God called him to do but,   in his encounter will show us also how we can move towards where God is calling us and building the kingdom and being revived prophetically , not necessary as prophet but as the word of God,  says  in 1 Corinthians 14 – 5 Paul said it best  “I would that ye all spake with tongues, but rather that he prophesied: for great is he that prophesieth than he that speaketh with tongues, except he interpret, that the church may receive edifying”.

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