Prayer Overview - Reclaiming the Blessing, Restraining the Enemy - Friday: 10pm - 11:30pm est (7:00pm pst 8:30 pst)

This course will provide insights into reclaiming the blessing of God, which is ours, while restraining the enemy’s advance. We will understand our Spiritual Authority, our legal right to the blessing of God and discover how to petition the Courts of Heaven to issue divine restraining orders against the accuser/the enemy.
67 Students enrolled
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Course Description  

This course will provide insights into reclaiming the blessing of God, which is ours, while duly restraining the enemy’s advance.  We will understand our Spiritual Authority and that we have a legal right to the blessing of God and yet have an adversary who seeks to steal or seize that right.  We will discover how to petition the Courts of Heaven to issue divine restraining orders against the accuser/the enemy.  We will acknowledge the lifestyle required to effectively present our case and survey Case Studies in the Bible where these principles are applied, as well as release prayers of activation.

Course Objectives

  • To strengthen our faith in the Son of God and appreciate who He is and what He’s done
  • To demonstrate measurable growth in our devotion and prayer life
  • To understand the lifestyle required to operate from the Courts of Heaven
  • To understand the principle of Divine Restraining Orders
  • To discover the features of and legal standing for the Order, as well when to issue it
  • To understand our role in operating from the Courts of Heaven


Course Materials

The Holy Bible (your choice of version)

All other materials will be provided


Course Requirements

Attend and participate in class discussion

Complete reading assignments and prepare to discuss

Complete assignments and quizzes when provided

Complete related essays when provided

Attend chapel services (or re-broadcast of service)


Grade details
Enrollment date:
Course completion date:
Grade Points
Grade Range
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