Overview of the 4 Gospels (Part 1) w/ Evangelist Gwendolyn Black - Amie <br/>Tuesday: 9:30pm - 11:00pm est(6:30pm - 8:00pm pst)

17 Students enrolled
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The New Testament is a collection of Christian words written in the common Greek language of the first century, at different times which was of the Eastern Mediterranean from the conquest of Alexander the Great (335-323 BC) until the evolution of Byzantine Greek (c. 600). All the words which would eventually be incorporated into the New Testament would seem to have been written no later than around AD 150. 

The New Testament is a story already in progress when the reader begins at its beginning with Matthew even though Matthew was not the first New Testament book written but because of the chronological order.

In this nine-week period, we will journey through an overview of the first two gospels of the New Testament: Matthew and Mark as part 1.

Matthew, Mark, and Luke are called Synoptic Gospels because they have the same point of views with regards to the life of Jesus. John is part of the gospels, but he placed emphases upon the important words:” Signs”, “Believe”, and “Life”.

In the Gospel of Matthew (named after the author), he portrays Jesus as King. Matthew bridges the gap between the Old and New Testament and wrote concerning the five discourses (dialog) of Christ. Whereas in the Gospel of Mark (named after the author), portrays Jesus as the Suffering Servant. According to tradition, Mark gives the most important of Christ death and resurrection.

The goal of this course is not just to become better acquainted with the gospels, but in a greater sense, to fall more in love with Jesus and build the kind of relationship with Him that can only come through learning to hear and follow His voice. Jesus wants us to be His true friend.

Tuesday, 6:30 – 8:00 pm PST; (9:30 pm – 11:00 pm EST)

Name: Evangelist Gwendolyn Black-Amie, M. Min, M.Div.
Email: gwendolynblackamie@yahoo.com
Office hours: Monday & Wednesday 3 – 5 pm PST (6 – 8 pm EST)

Holy Bible, Computer with internet access, pen highlighter, and paper.

1. Please silence audio and video when joining.
2. No usage of cell phones while in class.
3. Please be on time for all classes.
4. Appropriate business attire is required.
5. Please eliminate all distractions in room of study.
6. Be Respectful.
7. Be mindful of all sarcastic and rude comments in chat.



WEEK 1: Who is Matthew? Introducing the King and His teachings.

WEEK 2: The deeds and programs of the King

WEEK 3: Easter (Spring) Break

Week 4: The deeds and programs of the King (CONTINUED)

WEEK 5: The Destiny of the King

WEEK 7: Christ presentation as King

WEEK 8: Christ presentation as King (CNTINUED)

WEEK 9: Introduction Sanctification

WEEK 10: Sacrifice Passion of the Cross / Resurrection and Ascension


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