Ecclesiology - The Study of the Church | Tuesday: 10:30 - 12am est / 7:30-9pm pst

19 Students enrolled
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The church is the community of all believers for all time. The church is so precious to Jesus that He calls her His “bride” and so very much bone of His bone and flest of His flesh that He calls it His “body.

The church is made of all those who are saved. Jesus said, “I will build My church and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it” (Matthew 16:18).  The church that Jesus will build and protect is “the fullness of Him who fills all in all” (Ephesians 1:22-23).

Ecclesiology is the branch of systematic theology where we study the church of Jesus Christ in all its detail. In this course we will be looking in depth at a few of the following aspects of the church:

  1. When did the “church” begin?
  2. What is necessary to make a church?
  3. What is the purpose and function of the church?
  4. What makes a church that is pleasing in God’s sight?
  5. What are the offices or leadership roles in the church?
  6. What are the ordinances of the New Testament church?


Ecclesiology is essential for all Christians as it guides us toward a biblical understanding of how Christians relate to one another, to God, and to unbelievers. A firm understanding of ecclesiology benefits us personally as we learn how to help provide healthy church growth and honor God.

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