Christology 2 (The Ministry and Miracles of Jesus) - Thursday: 10pm - 11:30pm est ( 7:00pm - 8:30pm pst)

This course will provide a deeper dive into the miracles and ministry of Jesus and will explore the significance of His miracles, the story symbols, signs, and 'numbers' associated with these crucial events.
57 Students enrolled
  • Description
  • Curriculum
  • Grade


Course Description 

This course will provide a deeper dive into the miracles and ministry of Jesus.  We will discover the importance of where the miracles took place, the metaphors, story symbols, and numbers associated with crucial events.  We will explore the kingdom values revealed in these miracles, as well as how these truths influence our beliefs and change our actions.


Course Objectives

·      To strengthen our faith in the Son of God and appreciate who He is and what He’s done

  • To demonstrate measurable growth in our devotion and worship
  • To understand the key events and gain a deeper understanding of these events in the life of Jesus
  • To discover the significance, the location, the story symbols, signs, and ‘numbers’ associated with Jesus’ miracles
  • To discover the kingdom values revealed in Jesus’ miracles and their influence on our beliefs and actions
  • To understand the posture that invites His presence and sets the atmosphere for present-day miracles


Course Materials

The Holy Bible (your choice of version)

All other materials will be provided


Course Requirements

Attend and participate in class discussion

Complete reading assignments and prepare to discuss

Complete assignments and quizzes when provided

Complete related essays when provided

Attend Chapel services (or re-broadcast of Chapel services) 


Grade details
Enrollment date:
Course completion date:
Grade Points
Grade Range
Sign in to account to see your Grade
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