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2021 Spring Semester 2
This course will provide you with a clearer perspective about prophecy and the ministry of the prophet with scriptural support. You will be equippe...
2021 Spring Semester 2
This course is designed to provide you with a clear understanding of the foundation of Worship and to equip you to become a better worshiper of Chr...
2021 Spring Semester 2
Worship: The Eternal Perspective Syllabus TWA Spring Session (Class: April 17,2021 – May 22, 2021) Instructor Information Instructor:Minister Moniq...
2021 Spring Semester 2
OT Survey II focuses on matters ranging from the collapse of the united kingdom of Israel to the Jewish Diaspora, the return of the Israelites to J...
2021 Spring Semester 2
This course we will cover and uncover the prophetic vision. What is your roll and function as a prophet for the kingdom of God? As a student, you w...
2021 Spring Semester 2
As we explore the journey of David, the worshipper, we must understand that the vicissitudes of life are inevitable. David was anointed King of Isr...
2021 Spring Semester 2
The New Testament is a collection of Christian words written in the common Greek language of the first century, at different times which was of the...
2021 Spring Semester 2
This course is structured to examine the contribution of the continued Legacy of Jesus after His Resurrection leading to His Ascension, The Descens...
2021 Spring Semester 2
This course is structured to bring us face-to-face with the wonderful glory of God’s grace as presented in the thesis of the Apostle Paul’s teachin...
2021 Spring Semester 2
This course will introduce the theology and practice of prayer from a Biblical foundation. We will explore biblical truths on the “Life of An Inter...