Course: “Soteriology” - “The Doctrine of Salvati...


“Soteriology” - “The Doctrine of Salvation”- Tuesday | 10pm est - 11:30pm est (7pm - 8:30pm pst)

Text lesson

Week 1 Soteriology Course Description


Soteriology is the branch of theology dealing with the study of salvation. The term comes from the Greek word soteria/soterion, “salvation”. Soteria derives from the root word soter, which means savior. The suffix -ology comes from the Greek word logia, which means to study.

Soteriology relates to several other branches of theology, in that the study ask several questions: who is saved, by whom is one saved, from what is one saved and by what means is one saved?

Soteriology guards against false understanding about salvation and helps to make sure we know if we are truly saved from God’s wrath for our sin.

In this course we will look at the biblical teachings on foreknowledge, predestination, atonement, calling, sanctification and more. We will talk about how God redeemed us through the atoning blood of Jesus Christ our savior.

We will also discuss various questions among the World and Christendom such as:

           1. Can you lose your salvation?

2. Does God choose some people for heaven and some for hell?

3. How can I know that I am truly born again?

4. What is “saving” faith vs “working” faith?What really gets someone into heaven?

We will take a deep look at this study and get a biblical understanding on what it means and apply it to our everyday lives.

I look forward to having this time together with you in God’s word studying the great teachings of our Christian faith!

Lesson materials

TWCBA Sorteriology Syllabus .docx 132 kb Download
TWCVA Soteriology Introduction.pptx 7 mb Download
TWCBA Soteriology - The Five Points of Calvinism and Arminianism.docx 16 kb Download
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